Monday, March 21, 2011

Painting Workshop 1

 We started a new workshop today, and we'll be learning how to paint. Which is fantastic, since I really need all the help I can get - I have a piece I've been working on that I plan on painting, but I can't start until I've had a few more days in this workshop.

We didn't do any painting yet, but we certainly prepared. We talked a bit about the materials we'd need, including brushes and oil paints - since, naturally, the school's materials are terrible. But we also practiced painting style. That is, we learned technique. Where drawing is line orientated, painting is shape orientated instead. We did some charcoal drawings to help us understand this concept, and we'll all be doing more practice of the course of the week.

A note about the previous workshop: I had intended to have seven entries total, with the seventh being an overview of the six prior. Guess I lost interest.